How to Support Your Skin’s Nighttime Regeneration

When you sleep, your skin gets to work. Nighttime is when your skin undergoes its most active regeneration phase, transitioning from daytime "protection" mode to nighttime "repair" mode. This delicate "new skin effect" process is what allows you to wake up with a fresh and radiant complexion. Using a night cream is not just an extra step; it’s about providing essential support to your skin cells during their peak activity. The best approach? Listen to your skin and provide it with the right active ingredients to optimize its nighttime regeneration.

Why Does Skin Regenerate at Night?

Did you know your body has its own internal clock? It regulates most of its physiological functions based on a circadian rhythm, meaning it operates in 24-hour cycles. Your skin, as an integral organ, is also subject to this chronobiological process. During the day, your skin focuses on protecting itself from external aggressors, while at night, it shifts into repair mode to fix the damage.

  • Around 11 PM: Microcirculation in the skin becomes more active. This increased blood flow delivers the energy cells need to multiply.
  • Around 1 AM: Cell division peaks, with the epidermis producing up to four times more new cells than it does at 1 PM.

Is It a Good Idea to Leave Your Skin Bare at Night?

When it comes to nighttime skincare routines, there are two camps. Some people choose to leave their skin bare at night to "let it breathe," while others diligently moisturize their face before bed.

Neither option is universally better than the other. You are the best judge of what your skin needs, day or night. Using a night cream is ultimately a matter of personal skincare preferences and intuition.

However, keep these two points in mind:

  • Your skin is more permeable at night. It relaxes its daytime defenses to focus on cell renewal, making it more receptive to the active ingredients you apply in the evening.
  • As you age, cell regeneration slows down. This natural decline begins around the age of 25. If you feel that your skin is sluggish at night, it might be worth giving it a boost with the right active ingredients.

Which Night Cream Should I Use to Hydrate My Skin?

Discover the Night Care capsule: DUOLAB’s exclusive solution designed to meet the needs of all skin types during the night. Pair this hydrating base with the booster of your choice to create a freshly emulsified, preservative-free night cream.

My Night Cream for Oily Skin

My Essential Night Duo

90% of users find their skin is smoother.

81% of users find their pores are less visible.

Satisfaction test on 31 women after 4 weeks of using the Duo – France

Night Care

(Hyaluronic Acid + Borage Oil)

Skin Refining Booster

(AHA + Rosehip Polyphenols)

Bonus Tip: Have your recent blemishes left marks? Vary your nighttime routine with the Anti-Spot Booster (Vitamin C + Licorice). Alternate it with the Skin Perfecting Booster or use it every other cycle (ideally for 28 days) with the Night Care.

My Night Cream for Sensitive Skin

My Essential Night Duo

97% of users find their skin is immediately soothed.

97% of users find their skin feels soft.

Satisfaction test on 32 women after 4 weeks of using the Duo – France

Night Care

(Hyaluronic Acid + Borage Oil)

Anti-Redness Booster

(Shea Butter + Cottonseed Oil)

Bonus Tip: Prevent premature aging by incorporating the Anti-Aging Booster (Hyaluronic Acid + Peptides) into your skincare routine. You can switch between the two boosters regularly (every 14 or 28 days), depending on your skin’s needs.

My Night Cream for Mature Skin

My Essential Night Duo

81% of users find their skin is immediately firmer.

81% of users find their skin feels rejuvenated.

Satisfaction test on 32 women after 4 weeks of using the Duo – France

Night Care

(Hyaluronic Acid + Borage Oil)

Anti-Ageing Booster

(Hyaluronic Acid + Peptides)

Bonus Tip: 14 days before an important event, give your skin a boost by replacing the Anti-Aging Booster with the Anti-Fatigue Booster (Vitamin Cocktail + Sea Buckthorn Oil) every night.

How to Get Glowing Skin Overnight?

No matter how effective your night cream is, no product will give you perfect skin in just one night. The quality of your skincare isn’t the issue (so there’s no need to switch creams constantly). You simply need to understand that your skin takes about 28 days to complete a full regeneration cycle. This means you’ll need to be patient and wait 28 days to see the first results from your nighttime routine.

That’s why DUOLAB offers 28-capsule packs. Since good things take time, support your skin cycle by cycle, catering to its needs. Listen to your skin in real-time, adjust your DUOLAB subscription, and feel the difference.

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